Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Drum or Guitar?

Recently I have been thinking and deciding of a musical instrument to learn and purchase, and this has been short listed to two faviourites , the Guitar and the Drum...

Drums being my long time childhood faviourite instrument (me drumming with a wok as a kid), and guitar being a easy and cool instrument to play and carry around (Guitar Heroes)... haii...which one to choose leh? and not sure which one is more suited to me...any suggestions?


  1. Ooo...I didn't realise you meant actually purchasing one!

    I don't know much about prices...but if money is an issue, then maybe go for the cheaper on hey (if there's a significant difference) :S

    Haha, can picture you banging with the wok :P

  2. BOTH!

    But if it has to be one, then drums.
